Spanish Army has awarded Adaptive Systems a new maintenance contract for the weapons system simulators created, produced and developed by the company.
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210115-DefensaSpanish Army has awarded Adaptive Systems a new maintenance contract for the weapons system simulators created, produced and developed by the company.
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210115-DefensaSpanish Army has awarded the companies Adptive Systems and Instalaza a contract for the supply of simulators for the Spike, Mistral, C-90 […]
Adaptive Systems has been awarded a contract of 500,000 euros from the Spanish Army for the maintenance of the simulators of different […]
The following article describes the new training capabilities for Mistral missile launcher. (Published in Read Article in >>
Spanish Army has acquired the new version of the portable simulation system for the short-range anti-aircraft missile Mistral -SMPB Mistral-, designed by […]